Book Page 51

about me end app graph …

Now that you have seen my style and red about it will go to who and why .I'm 50 years old I started drawing when I was 20 on canvas . In my early childhood I lost my vision in my right eye. During that time they were checking if I was colorblind. That's when I first saw the colorblind book. I really enjoyed looking at it seeing the numbers Pop up and this affect was created just from different color circles. This was my first understanding of app graph. and the reason why I was searching for something like that later on in my life. As you red earlier in page one. that my ha ha moment was when I saw other line crossing with other line from another object. that created a crease with different colors interlines. just from looking at 60s posters . App Graph was always something that I was searching for from an early childhood. I would've never had that ha ha moment if it wasn't for that. There are different versions for what you may call abstract and graphic art . But when you look at it most of it it's more graphic art Motion than an abstract motion. More realistic. more rounded then what it should be. so pretty much what I’m saying no one really understood how to control the abstract Lines in order to create an object. but now there is a way it's called app graph. You can use a ruler to create it if you want . But it's built for freestyle Plus I think it has more of an illustration look that's why I don't create app graph with rulers. app graph can also be 3d if you use rulers and with the app graph coloration you basically create depth.


After losing my vision in one eye. I had to learn how to look at things and create the depth needed to reach an object. So when you lose your vision in one eye you have to create the notion of depth. sometimes I wonder what my paintings looks like with two eyes. like I would see more of the effect. do I have enough depth to see the same as ours. or do I see the effect that others don't see . When I paint my fingers always block one side. so most of the time I cannot rely on what I see. this is one of the reasons that the character’s in most of my paintings are tilted … :)